
Swan Swan 2016-08-25 08:13 1784 来源:wanplus.club 举报

瑞典战队Epsilon宣布与队员Jerry "xelos" Råberg解约,他们正在寻找队伍的最后一块拼图。

过去两周多的时间中,xelos一直没有随队参加任何比赛,Epsilon用Niclas "PlesseN" Plessen和Fredrik "slap" Junbrant替补参加了ECS和DreamHack的预选赛。




"I’m no longer the team captain of Epsilon nor am I a part of the team. It has been a very nice journey playing with new talents and we managed to become a great team and also to take home two titles and show a lot of good counter-strike." Råberg said in a statement for Epsilon.

As you all know, I was the In game leader of Epsilon and I split with the team due to them taking this decision. I want to thank all the guys in the team for giving me the chance to play with them! But mostly I want to thank the people behind Epsilon especially Greg, Samy and Kurtis for making my time in Epsilon the best I’ve ever had in a organization, thank you. I know we will cross paths again sooner or later.Right now I’ll focus on playing as much as possibly while maintaining my mindset and goals and develop myself as a player and leader. I’m looking forward to my next challenge!"


Epsilon队员xelos成为自由队员 William "draken" Sundin

Epsilon队员xelos成为自由队员 Fredrik "REZ" Sterner

Epsilon队员xelos成为自由队员 Joakim "disco doplan" Gidetun

Epsilon队员xelos成为自由队员 Fredrik "freddieb" Buö

Epsilon队员xelos成为自由队员 Christian "chrille" Lindberg (教练)

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